Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I am so bad at writing blog!
I have thought that I should write whatever I am happy or sad. But I have realized that I just write when I am truly in the mood for writing. Writing is not my thing :(

I have spent the last days of 2018 and reach the age of 30.
Before my birthday, I was so panic. I googled so many articles about how to confront that. I have wished that I could greet a new romantic relationship before that day. I did but it was another break-up. Besides that, everything else was good. I got 2 jobs. One of them is the Research Assistant position at my faculty (I am so cool!). I got approved for the first overseas conference. I saved enough money to spend Tet holidays with my family in Vietnam.

The worst, I must say, is that I still think about Ottie so so much. I am so so so disappointed with myself. He is not worth it. 

Sức khỏe cho tâm hồn

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