Saturday, October 28, 2017

College life - MAPO TOFU

I usually talk to my Chinese friends that I really want to try Mapo Tofu cooked by Chinese people. I think I have talked about that many times. I was so surprised that Carina's landlord has remembered that made some for me.  ☺

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Allan Dixon - The Animal Whisperer

I really like the photos of Allan Dixon with the animals. The moments are amazingly bright. They always make me smile.

One funny thing is that the animals in his photos look so humanizing =D Thanks to him, it seems like they have the same emotion as he has. Love that so much.

Allan Dixon and Kangaroo

A post shared by Allan Dixon (@daxon) on

Follow his Instagram here:

Sunday, October 22, 2017

New Facebook page

I have created a new facebook page.
Let's see if it works promoting emotional characteristic :D

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Hello world, again :D

I suddenly thought that I should have a blog. Then I found this as my old blog. I have written about my studying abroad dream and my broken-heart story. How cute I was!!

So sad that I didn't keep the reflecting journal more often. I have been through so many interesting life events.

I have changed my jobs twice. I love all those positions. I have realized my career path would never betray me. I appreciate the moments I have spent with my colleagues, my companies, and the young learners.

I have loved again.. and broke up again, twice. However, it was not so hurtful like the one in 2013.  My partners respected me and we fell apart because we did not match each other.

More important, I am now studying abroad. This is the scenario that I could not see 4 years ago. I keep following my dream to be an educator academically. What a long journey!

Now I should write more about this path from here!

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